NEW YORK STATE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR HOME INSPECTORS4.2 The inspector is NOT required to inspect:A. screening, shutters, awnings, and similar seasonal accessories.B. fences.C. geological and/or soil conditions.D. recreational facilities.E. outbuildings other than garages and carports.F. seawalls, break-walls, and docks.G. erosion control and earth stabilization measures.5. ROOFING5.1 The inspector shall:A. inspect:1. roofing materials.2. roof drainage systems.3. flashing.4. skylights, chimneys, and roof penetrations.B. describe:1. roofing materials.2. methods used to inspect the roofing.5.2 The inspector is NOT required to inspect:A. antennae.B. interiors of flues or chimneys that are notreadily accessible.C. other installed accessories.6. PLUMBING6.1 The inspector shall:A. inspect:1. interior water supply and distributionsystems including all fixtures and faucets.2. drain, waste, and vent systems including allfixtures.3. water heating equipment and hot watersupply system.4. vent systems, flues, and chimneys.5. fuel storage and fuel distribution systems.6. drainage sumps, sump pumps, and relatedpiping.B. describe:1. water supply, drain, waste, and vent pipingmaterials.2. water heating equipment including energysources).3. location of main water and fuel shut-offvalves.6.2 The inspector is NOT required to:A. inspect:1. clothes washing machine connections.2. interiors of flues or chimneys that are notreadily accessible.3. wells, well pumps, or water storage relatedequipment.4. water conditioning systems.5. solar water heating systems.6. fire and lawn sprinkler systems.7. private waste disposal systems.B. determine:1. whether water supply and waste disposalsystems are public or private.2. water supply quantity or quality.C. operate automatic safety controls or manualstop valves.7. ELECTRICAL7.1 The inspector shall:A. inspect:1. service drop.2. service entrance conductors, cables, andraceways.3. service equipment and main disconnects.4. service grounding.5. interior components of service panels andsub panels.6. conductors.7. over current protection devices.8. a representative number of installed lightingfixtures, switches, and receptacles.9. ground fault circuit interrupters.B. describe:1. amperage and voltage rating of the service.2. location of main disconnects) and subpanels.3. presence of solid conductor aluminumbranch circuit wiring.4. presence or absence of smoke detectors.5. wiring methods.7.2 The inspector is NOT required to:A. inspect:1. remote control devices.2. alarm systems and components.3. low voltage wiring systems and components.4. ancillary wiring systems and components.not a part of the primary electrical powerdistribution system.B. measure amperage, voltage, or impedance.EXTERIOR 4.2, Continued8. HEATING8.1 The inspector shall:A. open readily open able access panels.B. inspect:1. installed heating equipment.2. vent systems, flues, and chimneys.C. describe:1. energy sources).2. heating systems.8.2 The inspector is NOT required to:A. inspect:1. interiors of flues or chimneys that are notreadily accessible.2. heat exchangers.3. humidifiers or dehumidifiers.4. electronic air filters.5. solar space heating systems.B. determine heat supply adequacy ordistribution balance.9. AIR CONDITIONING9.1 The inspector shall:A. open readily open able access panels.B. inspect:1. central and through-wall equipment.2. distribution systems.C. describe:1. energy sources).2. cooling systems.9.2 The inspector is NOT required to:A. inspect electronic air filters.B. determine cooling supply adequacy ordistribution balance.C. inspect window air conditioning units.10. INTERIORS10.1 The inspector shall inspect:A. walls, ceilings, and floors.B. steps, stairways, and railings.C. countertops and a representative number ofinstalled cabinets.D. a representative number of doors and windows.E. garage doors and garage door operators.10.2 The inspector is NOT required to inspect:A. paint, wallpaper, and other finish treatments.B. carpeting.C. window treatments.D. central vacuum systems.E. household appliances.F. recreational facilities.11. INSULATION & VENTILATION11.1 The inspector shall:A. inspect:1. insulation and vapor retarders in unfinishedspaces.2. ventilation of attics and foundation areas.3. mechanical ventilation systems.B. describe:1. insulation and vapor retarders in unfinishedspaces.2. absence of insulation in unfinished spaces atconditioned surfaces.11.2 The inspector is NOT required to disturb insulation.See 13.2.A.11 and 13.2.A.12.12. FIREPLACES AND SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES12.1 The inspectors hall:A. inspect:1. system components.2. chimney and vents.B. describe:1. fireplaces and solid fuel burning appliances.2. chimneys.12.2 The inspector is NOT required to:A. inspect:1. interiors of flues or chimneys.2. fire screens and doors.3. seals and gaskets.4. automatic fuel feed devices.5. mantles and fireplace surrounds.6. combustion make-up air devices.7. heat distribution assists (gravity fed and fanassisted).B. ignite or extinguish fires.C. determine draft characteristics.D. move fireplace inserts and stoves or firebox13. GENERAL LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS13.1 General limitations:A. The inspector is NOT required to perform any action or make any determination not specificallystated in these Standards of Practice.B. Inspections performed in accordance with theseStandards of Practice:1. are not technically exhaustive.2. are not required to identify concealed.conditions, latent defects, or consequentialdamages.C. These Standards of Practice are applicable tobuildings with four or fewer dwelling units andtheir garages or carports.13.2 General exclusions:A. Inspectors are NOT required to determine:1. conditions of systems or components thatare not readily accessible.2. remaining life expectancy of any system orcomponent.3. strength, adequacy, effectiveness, orefficiency of any system or component.4. the causes of any condition or deficiency.5. methods, materials, or costs of corrections.6. future conditions including but not limited tofailure of systems and components.7. the suitability of the property for anyspecialized use.8. compliance with regulatory requirements(codes, regulations, laws, ordinances, etc.).9. market value of the property or itsmarketability.10. the advisability of purchase of the property.11. the presence of potentially hazardous plantsor animals including, but not limited to,wood destroying organisms or diseasesharmful to humans including molds ormold-like substances.12. the presence of any environmental hazardsincluding, but not limited to, toxins,carcinogens, noise, and contaminants insoil, water, and air.13. the effectiveness of any system installedor method utilized to control or removesuspected hazardous substances.14. operating costs of systems or components.15. acoustical properties of any system orcomponent.16. soil conditions relating to geotechnical orhydrologic specialties.B. Inspectors are NOT required to offer:1. or perform any act or service contrary to law.2. or perform engineering services.3. or perform any trade or any professional.service other than home inspection.4. warranties or guarantees of any kind.C. Inspectors are NOT required to operate:1. any system or component that is shut downor otherwise inoperable.2. any system or component that does notrespond to normal operating controls.3. shut-off valves or manual stop valves.D. Inspectors are NOT required to enter:1. any area that will, in the opinion of theinspector, likely be dangerous to theinspector or other persons or damage theproperty or its systems or components.2. under-floor crawl spaces or attics that arenot readily accessible.E. Inspectors are NOT required to inspect:1. underground items including but notlimited to underground storage tanks orother underground indications of theirpresence, whether abandoned or active.2. items that are not installed.3. installed decorative items.4. items in areas that are not entered inaccordance with 13.2.D.5. detached structures other than garagesand carports.6. common elements or common areas inmulti-unit housing, such as condominiumproperties or cooperative housing.F. Inspectors are NOT required to:1. perform any procedure or operation that will,in the opinion of the inspector, likely bedangerous to the inspector or other personsor damage the property or its systems orcomponents.2. describe or report on any system orcomponent that is not included in theseStandards and was not inspected.3. move personal property, furniture, equipment,plants, soil, snow, ice, or debris.4. dismantle any system or component, exceptas explicitly required by these Standards ofPractice.Alarm SystemsWarning devices installed or freestandingincluding but not limited tosmoke detectors, carbon monoxidedetectors, flue gas, and other spillagedetectors, and security equipmentAutomatic Safety ControlsDevices designed and installed toprotect systems and components fromunsafe conditionsComponentA part of a systemDecorativeOrnamental; not required for the properoperation of the essential systems andcomponents of a homeDescribeTo identify (in writing) a system orcomponent by its type or otherdistinguishing characteristicsDismantleTo take apart or remove any component,device, or piece of equipment thatwould not be taken apart or removed bya homeowner in the course of normalmaintenanceEngineeringThe application of scientific knowledgefor the design, control, or use ofbuilding structures, equipment, orapparatusFurther EvaluationExamination and analysis by a qualifiedprofessional, tradesman, or servicetechnician beyond that provided by thehome inspectionHome InspectionThe process by which an inspectorvisually examines the readily accessiblesystems and components of a home andwhich describes those systems andcomponents in accordance with theseStandards of PracticeHousehold AppliancesKitchen, laundry, and similarappliances, whether installed orfree-standingInspectTo examine any system or componentof a building in accordance with theseStandards of Practice, using normaloperating controls and opening readilyopen able access panelsInspectorA person hired to examine any systemor component of a building in accordancewith these Standards of PracticeInstalledAttached such that removal requires toolsNormal Operating ControlsDevices such as thermostats, switches,or valves intended to be operated by thehomeownerReadily AccessibleAvailable for visual inspection withoutrequiring moving of personal property,dismantling, destructive measures, orany action that will likely involve risk topersons or propertyReadily Open able Access PanelA panel provided for homeownerinspection and maintenance that isreadily accessible, within normal reach,can be removed by one person, and isnot sealed in placeRecreational FacilitiesSpas, saunas, steam baths, swimmingpools, exercise, entertainment, athletic,playground or other similar equipment,and associated accessoriesReportCommunicate in writingRepresentative NumberOne component per room for multiplesimilar interior components such aswindows, and electric receptacles; onecomponent on each side of the buildingfor multiple similar exterior componentsRoof Drainage SystemsComponents used to carry water off aroof and away from a buildingShut DownA state in which a system or componentcannot be operated by normal operatingcontrolsSidingExterior wall covering and cladding;such as: aluminum, asphalt, brick,cement/asbestos, EIFS, stone, stucco,veneer, vinyl, wood, etc.Solid Fuel Burning AppliancesA hearth and fire chamber or similarprepared place in which a fire may bebuilt and that is built in conjunctionwith a chimney; or a listed assembly ofa fire chamber, its chimney, and relatedfactory-made parts designed for unitassembly without requiring fieldconstructionStructural ComponentA component that supports non-variableforces or weights (dead loads) and variableforces or weights (live loads)SystemA combination of interacting orinterdependent components, assembledto carry out one or more functions.Technically ExhaustiveAn investigation that involvesdismantling, the extensive use ofadvanced techniques, measurements,instruments, testing, calculations, orother meansUnder-floor Crawl SpaceThe area within the confines of thefoundation and between the ground andthe underside of the floorUnsafeA condition in a readily accessible,installed system or component thatis judged to be a significant risk ofbodily injury during normal,day-to-day use; the risk may be dueto damage, deterioration, improperinstallation, or a change in acceptedresidential construction standardsWiring MethodsIdentification of electrical conductors orwires by their general type, such asnon-metallic sheathed cable, armoredcable, or knob and tube, etc.1. Inspectors shall avoid conflicts of interest or activities that compromise, or appear to compromise, professionalindependence, objectivity, or inspection integrity.A. Inspectors shall not inspect properties for compensation in which they have, or expect to have,a financial interest.B. Inspectors shall not inspect properties under contingent arrangements whereby any compensationor future referrals are dependent on reported findings or on the sale of a property.C. Inspectors shall not directly or indirectly compensate realty agents, or other parties havinga financial interest in closing or settlement of real estate transactions, for the referral ofinspections or for inclusion on a list of recommended inspectors, preferred providers, orsimilar arrangements.D. Inspectors shall not receive compensation for an inspection from more than one party unlessagreed to by the clients).E. Inspectors shall not accept compensation, directly or indirectly, for recommending contractors,services, or products to inspection clients or other parties having an interest in inspectedproperties.F. Inspectors shall not repair, replace, or upgrade, for compensation, systems or componentscovered by ASHI Standards of Practice, for one year after the inspection.2. Inspectors shall act in good faith toward each client and other interested parties.A. Inspectors shall perform services and express opinions based on genuine conviction and onlywithin their areas of education, training, or experience.B. Inspectors shall be objective in their reporting and not knowingly understate or overstate thesignificance of reported conditions.C. Inspectors shall not disclose inspection results or client information without client approval.Inspectors, at their discretion, may disclose observed immediate safety hazards to occupantsexposed to such hazards, when feasible.3. Inspectors shall avoid activities that may harm the public, discredit themselves, or reduce public confidencein the profession.A. Advertising, marketing, and promotion of inspectors’ services or qualifications shall not befraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading.B. Inspectors shall report substantive and willful violations of this Code to the Society.